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A ruthless pyromaniac is on the loose in a southern village of Norway. They don't know he's not a stranger, but one of them. We follow him, the fire brigade chief's own son, spreading fear in secret.  

"The hyper-pretty magic hour lighting of so many of the scenes and the way Gosta Reiland’s widescreen lensing invites us to share Dag’s fascination with flames somehow makes it all the more disturbing."
The Hollywood Reporter 

Rebel Unit augmented the existing fire with vfx simulation elements to heighten the sense of danger in key scenes and places where safety would otherwise be an issue.

 The opening title sequence were created to convey a sense of loneliness and is based around the point of view of the perpetrator driving around alone at night. 

We are proud the film got nominated for Amanda Awards 2016, Best Visual Effects.

Director: Erik Skjoldbjærg

DOP: Gösta Reiland

Producer: Edward Dreyer, Aage Aaberge

SFX: Hummer Højmark

Visual effects supervisor: Mats Andersen and Theodor Groeneboom 

Music by Gaute Tønder and Maja Ratkje

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